Giving hands, blessed hearts, changed lives

Education and skills training

Education is the key to unlocking and sustaining economic growth and reducing poverty.  The organization currently supports 120 children in our education sponsorship scheme at Victor’s Bright Nursery and Primary school and several education centers.

A total number of children have been enrolled for our school sponsorship program and we hope to see them through Primary school, high school, & universities.

Lots of school children in Ggomba district supported with scholastic materials ranging from books, pencils, crayons, geometry sets, bags, etc.


Meet Niwahereza Benon Junior Joshua a three (3) year old. He was born with inguinal hernia which started growing and increasing in size and in pain a day after he was born. We raised a campaign of raising funds for people to donate so that Joshua could have surgery, great news is that Joshua is no longer suffering from Hernia. Thanks to each and every one who donated and prayed.

His poor parents cannot take him & his siblings to school, housing them is also a problem, finding food and medication are part of the major problems. Now he is under Cast Deep Foundation but due to our limited resources we can’t support all the children like Joshua in his education & his basic needs of life. So we are humbly looking & requesting for a sponsor(s) for Joshua who can take him in and support his education & basic needs.


Imagine getting through your busy day without legs. Picture your life without the ability to walk, or care for your basic needs. Throughout her birth, Daisy not only dealt with the typical challenges of school, but she also struggled loneliness. Daisy constantly wondered why she was different than all the other kids. She questioned the purpose of life, or if she even had a purpose. Meet Nabasirye Daisy who was born in Rubaga Hospital Kampala, Uganda in the year of 2007. She was born lame especially the legs which were attached at her buttocks.

After a year, she was taken to the hospital for a check up on her body.  Reaching the hospital the doctors diagnosed and advised Daisy’s parents to take her home and bring her back when she makes three (3) years.  After 3 years, the doctors found out that the legs were attached together with her buttocks. So the doctors decided to carry out a surgery. After three (3) weeks had passed, Daisy’s legs started having a lot of continuous pain and at the end rotting, which resulted into both legs to be amputated. She is now 9 years.  She has been in three different schools & orphanages but because of her situation, booing, laughing etc.  She decided to hate all schools & orphanages until Cast Deep Foundation welcomed her officially without any discrimination who one day dreams to be a DOCTOR.  You can Prayerfully consider allowing the Lord to use you as a vessel of becoming an impact in her life.