The Founders



Simon Peter Ddamulira Jr was born in a small town called Kawempe, located in the northwestern edge of Kampala and raised from Uganda, to a family of 4 children by a wonderful, lovely and hardworking mother Jolly Assimwe Ddamulira who is the wife to our dad Apostle Simon Peter Ddamulira Sr, Esther, Enock, Elizabeth, we are her world, and we mean everything to her. He is the founder and CEO of Cast Deep Foundation currently residing in Dallas, TX USA as a Software Engineer.

I gave my life to Christ, as a young boy of 6yrs, having lived a life full of trials and suffering, the Lord placed me in this church where my parents were the senior pastors and i received love, care, guidance and above all nurturing my spiritual life. From just a mere vulnerable kid that joined this Amazing church, I have served the Lord in different departments, like technical department, am still the media department leader. I spend 89% of my daily life at church, or in church related projects, and if am not at church, you will find me at the Orphanage (Cast Deep Foundation)


I love kids, or, you won’t miss finding me at Gym or else in the hall watching soccer( Manchester United is my favorite club) I strongly believe it doesn’t matter where we come from, our backgrounds totally have nothing to do with our future, and it just takes a small step to; first believe in God for the best and get ready to work for the best you want.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell our life stories, but today I have decided to pour out my heart, there is only one question I have failed to find its answer, Have u seen this world?. I remember we used to sleep in a house that looked like a toilet to everyone that saw it and it was of free of charges quarters that were built by Idi Amin Dada, the former president who is well known for killing many people during his regime, we lived in a very bad life, but happy as a family seeing our mom working hard for us, even though we could go some times without food and we only take porridge & tea without sugar, still life was full of hope for a better tomorrow.





From there I realized that I was no more a kid, despite the fact that I was just 7 yrs okay approaching 9 yrs, I had a big responsibility of taking care of my sisters & brother, I don’t remember any day I was not beaten, from just nowhere, on any minor issue, like delaying at the well of water, every day I had a case to answer whenever my dad came back home, I sometimes missed school just because I had a lot of house hold work to do.

My sisters were always a blame to me, i used to carry a 10 liters jerry can of water on my head from the valley where we fetched water from, washing clothes for all my siblings, am glad my mom taught me how to work!! God made it worse and he granted me with Knowledge so I was always among the best 3 kids in my class, No wonder I missed some semesters thereafter, as our dad could not pay for my school fees because he was in need all the time. Life went on like that leaving me with lots of memories. So growing in such kind of life, my heart was growing stronger and believing someday things will be alright!

God never stopped doing well, I completed my high school and later college. So thankful to God who has never forsaken us!!. My life is sometimes hard to tell to someone, it’s like a mere myth, but I went through a lot, it has taught me to love God so much, and believe him all the days of my life. 



It’s just that I cannot write everything down, neither can I explain all especially in English, but I hope to one day i will write a book that will encourage others. Am a survivor, and a soldier, death is not the solution as I thought and wanted so much to run away!! For my God is my refuge. I have seen a lot and gone through a lot, but God has always been on my side. I want to thank God for that, may his name be glorified.

I want to share a piece of my heart with someone tonight, from the age of 9, the entire story of life changed, I found myself in a life I don’t wish any one to test, growing up in a family that was in need all the time, in a world with nothing, surrounded with difficulties, and responsibilities, I don’t remember being a kid at any one point. Just like so many other orphans and vulnerable children out there, I was vulnerable together with my siblings and also our entire family and most of the times found life meaningless. We lacked, school fees, medicine, clothes, childhood love …I watched the world around me, and couldn’t find a reason why God kept me around,

I know what takes place in the world where u can’t share your heart with anyone, in the darkness where u wish the rapture starts with u. I have been there, the story is too long, and I am a savior, so I know what other vulnerable children are going through. I devoted my life to serving God’s people in any way that God will lead me, and the best I can do is appreciating the fact that God has kept me around until now, and allowed me access people I can share my heart with, I have a better reason for living, I want to be what God wants me to be, I have seen lives being changed in a very short while, with the little that God has provided to us. Tears being removed and washed from kid’s faces and eyes, children being taken back to school, old people being blessed with what to eat and drink.

There is no way I can appreciate God for the gift of life and all he has taken me through other than being a voice to the voiceless, to the unreached in Cast Deep places, where nothing good is expected out of such places. I can see hope, I can see a bright future, someone is smiling, someone is praising God, someone is rescued, broken lives are being transformed.


Not long ago, God put James 1:27 on my heart. I took it as a challenge — to explore ways that I could serve the orphans. That’s when I founded Cast Deep Foundation in the year of 2014. Since I had gone through a lot, yet it’s a blessing to take care of orphans and vulnerable children. I took a step of faith and we now take care of over 120 children but our dream is to have more children.

If u are going through some situation, be reminded of some of us that have gone through it, I so much think about Jacob and Joseph in the bible and get encouraged. Throughout my life, I have tried on many other ways, tried on many different people, organizations but never found help, I ONLY FOUND HELP IN JESUS, no matter how hard life may be, and he is there ready to help us!!

No matter what , u still have a reason to thank God… am thankful to u dear God for the gift of life and this far u have brought me, am not yet there but I see where am going…. Jeremiah 29:11 “for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and hope”. Our God is able and ready to bless us, we only need to trust him and give him our hearts.