As a Christ-centered Ministry, we hold ourselves to the highest standard of financial transparency by being good stewards of the resources entrusted to us. Whether through sponsorship, Partnership, or through another avenue of giving, you can be confident that we are properly stewarding your donation. The way we operate is grounded completely in our love for Jesus Christ and serving His children in Uganda.

Cast Deep Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization committed to financial accountability with our donors and participants.

One of the questions we are frequently asked is regarding our administrative costs and overhead and how those items are funded from the donations we receive.

A majority of our funding is used to serve, educate and feed the children in our child sponsorship programs.

When you designate your gift to a child, school or program, nighty percent of that money goes directly into the fund that is associated with your designation. Undesignated gifts or general giving are used where needed most and to address infrastructure and strategic planning to ensure the future of the ministry.

Ten percent of every dollar donated underwrites the general administrative and operating costs and overhead (office space, health insurance, utilities, transportation of goods from the US to Uganda, administrative staff, etc.) necessary to enable us to fund the ministry programs that serve the vulnerable and orphaned children of Uganda, Kampala. Many of the staff members who are funded through this ten percent are involved in influencing, training and guiding the efforts in Uganda and thus have a leadership and managerial impact on our efforts to serve, educate, feed and care for the children in our program.

Please know that our staff is 100% committed to serving the orphans and vulnerable of Uganda. They are so dedicated that many of our American staff raise support to cover some or all of their salaries allowing us to reduce our administrative costs.

There are several key components that allow us to keep administrative expenses low and use funds received to best provide for the children we serve.


Cast Deep Foundation is committed to only working in Uganda allowing us to focus our impact instead of spreading it across several countries. This also means that when donors visit Uganda, they can see the exact programs where their funds are being used to change the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children.


Since many of our donors make a trip over to Uganda each year, they are able to see the results of their donations. This allows us to keep fundraising low because we can rely on the word of mouth from those who have seen first-hand the lives being changed in Uganda.

If you would like to learn more about our financial accountability, please contact our accounting team at