Giving Hands, Blessed Hearts, Changes Lives.


As the sun goes down. With sounds from singing birds, frogs from ponds, as cows moo across hills. What else should it be rather than a prayer? What could one see? We see happy faces of children running around, we could hear some silent noise of joy from kids, People that will never know that this place was once bushy like this.

A silent moment worth spending where God dwells! Praying that one-day children will hear the history of this vision and see the love of God in this place thus accepting Jesus as their personal Lord and savior.


Our vision, dream & prayer in Cast Deep Foundation is to own over 20-30 acres of land. On this land. We will construct educational centers, a kindergarten, a primary and secondary school, vocational schools, where we can provide better quality Holistic education to needy children and youths for a brighter future.

On this land, we will have a chapel, a fully functioning farm with several types of animals and crops, staff quarters, dormitories for boarding students, volunteers Cottages, offices, for the school and for Cast Deep Foundation. On this land we hope to construct ten children homes that can house up to twelve children each with a care taker.

Our MAIN PLAN is to be a self-sustainable organization and not rely completely on donor aid. We hope to have schools for over 5000 students. The tuition from the students will provide income for Cast Deep Foundation. We will have the best teachers and encourage our people all over the world to give four months to a year of their lives to come teach in Uganda.

On this land, we shall have playgrounds for the school and for the community. We will have a research Center for our students and volunteers. Cast Deep Foundation is seeking to raise anywhere from $150,000 – $220,000 for the purchase of over 20-30 acres of land to complete this dream and vision and to make it come true.

We truly know that this will impact and change more lives than just the orphans & the vulnerable children. But will truly impact the community and it will be transformed. We kindly need your help, your investment, your generosity and your prayers as we move forward to achieve our goal and ensure long-term sustainability of the communities we serve and livelihoods. Chasing Jesus in obedience to serve this community. May God bless you, as you make that Eternal difference.